Why civics matters

If we want to achieve the country we were promised, then we need to understand the foundation on which it was built

Philippa Hughes
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2023


I hosted a Salon with my brilliant friend Lex Paulson who wrote a book about Cicero, an Ancient Roman statesman and philosopher who invented the idea of “the will of the people.” Why should Cicero’s writings from well over two thousand years ago matter to us Americans today? Why should we bother to study political theory and philosophy through the ages, even from before the founding of our country? Because our Constitution begins with the words, “We the people…,” which affirms that the U.S. government exists to serve the people and that its power is derived from the will of the people, just as Cicero deemed. And in writing the Constitution, the Framers were inspired by political theories, philosophies, and debates that preceded them. So as long as we continue to debate the role of government in our lives, which is at the core of pretty much every issue that divides us, then I think it behooves us to become better informed about how our government was formed and about our rights and responsibilities as citizens.

In essence, to become more civically engaged. Civic knowledge equips us with the skills we need to make informed decisions, hold elected officials accountable, and actively participate in shaping our futures. Which is pretty awesome!

I pride myself on having a decent understanding of how our government works, checks and balances, electoral college, Federalism, natural rights, social contract theory, and so on. Schoolhouse Rock ingrained in me how a bill becomes a law! I learned this stuff in social studies classes and later in college when I majored in Foreign Affairs. I believe that I am a relatively engaged citizen who participates in civic life a little more than the average person. So when Lex said, the word “democracy” does not appear in the Constitution, I was reminded once again that I will always have a LOT of learning to do. Grateful to learn from so many smart, thoughtful people in my life who care about making our world better for everyone.

(20% discount code if you want to buy the book: PAULSON2023)



Creating space for conversations to transform society. Exploring what it means to be American. Recovering lawyer, public speaker, art fanatic philippahughes.com